Durward’s Glen is akin to many other secret natural areas in Wisconsin. Tucked away and hidden by the landscape, they open suddenly into deep ravines, steep hills and snaking waterways.
The glen is owned by non-profit group but is affiliated with the Catholic church. The land was originally owned by, and donated to, the church by the deeply Catholic Durward family. The Durwards were artists and poets and also deeply loved nature.
The path from the parking lot leads winds up a hill, passing stations of the cross in special little cabinets. At the top, with a magnificent view of the surrounding countryside, is a small chapel and cemetery. The path continues down the back of the hill, past another cemetery for the Durward family. The hill drops away to a twisty stream, working its way through a steep rock cut. At the bottom of the trail is a lovely bridge, crossing to a more groomed area of the grounds. Here you can see the original art studio, various religious statues and a small, elegant shrine at the top of a hill. The rustic church and convention center now hosts numerous events and retreats.
Be especially respectful when visiting this location. While it is open to the public, the land is privately owned, it is a spiritual location and a cemetery.
Duward’s Glen
W11876 McLeisch Road
Baraboo, WI 53913